Friday, September 17, 2010

Big girl!

So today Allison has done many exciting new things!
Just today she crawled over to her toy and pulled herself up so she was sitting on her bum. She was sitting up by herself until we had to go and pick her up. She also ate the Little Puff things like a big girl. She has been trying to "bite" and "eat" things with her 2 little teeth!
Oh, by the way! She is now crawling like crazy (too fast and smart already!), has 2 bottom teeth, eats baby food, rice cereal, formula (of course) and bread here and there. She is 14 lbs 25 in long, healthy and very happy! She's getting way too smart! She is in to anything with cords. Including the VCR/DVD player. I just covered it with a't fool her! She just pulled it off and went for the VCR. Oh goodness...lock the doors she's out of here!
Oh goodness she is SO CUTE! OHHH Did I tell you a couple of days ago she said very clearly over and over and over again MAMA! She even said it in her sleep the other day and lights up when anyone says mama! She's currently starting to walk like a monkey over to me:) So ya...she's becoming quite the little girl! I'm sure she'll be walking by Christmas! so that's all the excitement! Cya all soon!


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