So here's my update for everyone!:)
Allison is growing and doing great. She's a little wiggle worm and loves listening to music. Especially Celtic Woman. She also likes to look at the fish already. Even though I know she can't really focus on them she seems to find them fascinating. Everyone who has seen her has commented on how gorgeous she is. I may be biased but she is a pretty beautiful newborn. She doesn't look all funny like alot of newborns do. She's simply perfect. Yes, she has had her "rough moments" where she just simply is not happy for anything, but she sleeps and eats really well. She sleeps for 3-4 hours at a time and eats good in between. Last night she slept for a little over 5 hours straight! I can't complain with that! She eats once before I go to bed, then twice in the night (at around 11 or 12 and then again around 3 or 4am). This of course is not exact because it depends on when she goes to sleep for the night and if she sleeps a little longer or shorter in between. Then she usually sleeps until around 8 or 9am. So I really can't complain about her sleeping schedule! She has had a tough time breast feeding and getting enough milk, etc. But we have got all that pretty well taken care of and down now. We've got a little sleeping schedule down pretty good too so ya! I couldn't ask for a better baby!:)
She has even had some "happy awake time" during the day too. So that is good.
Lets see...I wanted to mention some of the "firsts" she's had already!:)
*1st day at church
*1st trip to walmart (she's been there a couple times)
*1st Shopping Trip (Even if we did take shifts and stayed with her in the car. We forgot the stroller:P)
*1st Trip to Lowes, Kmart, The Dollar Tree & DI
*1st Relief Society Activity (she was upset and fussy during the whole "talk" part of it. she's usually really good. She did settle down once it was time for the dinner part though!)
*1st trip to the WIC office
*1st pediatric apt
*1st smile
*1st time away from me! (me and my mom ran to the store while she was at home with daddy asleep)
*1st shots (with me there) It was so sad, but she was more annoyed than upset. She hardly cried, she was half asleep when it was going on and then she fell back asleep after it was all done! What a trooper!
*1st bad spit up! haha Yesterday she must have had an upset stomach because she spit up alot. All over daddy, me and grandma all in one day!:)
*1st little book
and of course she's already had her *1st car ride
*1st real bad night (didn't sleep well & seemed to just want to be next to mommy all night)
*1st time having her nails clipped
*1st time talking to daddy on the phone (okay, she just listened and she wasn't really sure what was going on haha)
*1st picture taken (of course there's been lots of that!)
*1st time "on video" (I will post videos when I can)
I'm sure I'm missing some but I can't think of them now.
She's growing so fast! I'll post what her weight is after her 2 week apt. on Monday. She's past her birth weight I know that!
As far as me...I have no idea what my weight is now (it was 128 the last time I got weighed). I think I may have at least lost some inches due to things shrinking down and not being swollen & such. I seriously look freaking hot still! I'm really surprised at how good I look after having a baby!
Anyway, that's my update for now! I'm sure I'll post more later!
OH and just a little random side note:
Chandler went and got the new Twilight movie (New Moon) last night at Midnight! There were about 400 people behind him who didn't get one last night so that's cool!